The self-developed T5 tube series is special designd and developed for H type poultry cage.It can realize arbitrarily adjustment from 0 to 2w through intelligent control. This tube has green light,warm white light and red light, and each applies to broilers and layers. This product has the advantages of long life, adjustable power, environmental protection,no glare,no stroboflash,no light pollution, being safe and reliable, dustproof,waterproof,anti-corrosion,and adjustable brightness,uniform lighting,which make the caged birds accept on electricity to make high profit for customers,and also fill the gaps of non-dimmable lighting and non-adjustable illuminating angle in light industry.
T5 tube has special lighting angle, suitable for H type cage with feeding and water trough in the middle. Its bottom illumination and corner illumination difference under 8 lux; with special spectrum, T5 can make broilers reduce stress reaction silently, improve immunity with high survival rate, low FCR and hight European index;adopting spectrum to make light stimulation,it will increase egg weight and egg production rate.
T5 tube series is a kind of special farming light designed for poultry cage customers.
The self-developed T8 tube series product, can realize arbitraily adjustment 0~18W through intelligent control. This tube has green light, warm white light, pure white light three types, applicable to chicken, ducks, rabbits and pigs etc.
This product has the advantages of long life, power adjustable, green environmental protection,no glare, no stroboflash, no light pollution, safe and reliable, dustproof, waterproof,anti-corrosion,and brightness adjustable, uniform lighting,this let poultry cage accept uniform light, overcome the defect of nonuniform growth caused by nonuniform light. Thereby, economize on electricity to make high profit for customers, and also fill the gaps that unadjustable of light and illumination angle in light industry.
T8 tube series product is special feed light product designed for every customers.